Experience the healing touch of massage…

Begin your journey towards wellbeing with a soothing and therapeutic massage that nurtures your body and soul.

May all beings live in peace

I was born, raised, and still live on the Coast of Southern California. My quest to find meaning in life started at the tender age of 10 years old when I witnessed the

sudden death of my father, and the subsequent loss of our family home, my brother, and my mom to depression. I was on my own in the world at age 15.

It was then I discovered eastern philosophy, and the timeless teachings of yoga and Buddhism. In my late twenties I began to commit to various

formal practices. Eventually traveling the world to gain even more understanding. These teachings and practices proved invaluable as I navigated the dissolution

of my 40 year marriage. They supported me through such a trying time with love and compassion. I am a Certified Meditation Teacher from the Awareness

Training Institute in partnership with the University of California at Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, and

currently completing an in depth 2 year Buddhist studies program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

My passion is sharing mindfulness, meditation, self-compassion, and to facilitate healing from loss or difficult transitions,

so that you may find your inner wisdom to live a life with more ease, peace, and joy.

Offering a specialized form of therapeutic massage to bring more ease and wellbeing to you as you navigate grief.

Experience the therapeutic benefits of mindful grief massage, find relaxation and restoration. Allow yourself to surrender to the healing touch and release the tension that grief can hold in your body.

Our holistic and integrative approach combines therapeutic techniques with a compassionate presence that honors your individual journey. Allow us to support you in finding moments of relief and comfort as you navigate this path of healing and transformation.

Our services are mobile to bring you the most comfort and ease. All our massage services are in the convenience of your home.

At times of loss and grief, it can be challenging to feel connected and find peace within ourselves. The weight of grief can make it difficult to relax and reconnect with our inner selves. During such moments finding support through assisted relaxation techniques, like therapeutic massage, can be immensely beneficial. This holistic approach to healing not only helps individuals find physical relief, but also facilitates emotional and mental well-being.

Grief is a personal journey, never the same for any two people, and as unique as your life and your relationships. Grief is not limited to loss through death. Everytime you lose a relationship or are faced with uncertainty you grieve the loss of a predictable and safe world. You experience grief when you move to a new town, lose a job or get a divorce. You experience grief when you are diagnosed with a life changing illness or when you are seperated from a loved one by circumstance. You experience grief when you experience any change in your relationship to the world. While the intense pain of grief is temporary. You will feel better in time. However it is “how” you decide to feel better and “what” you do with your pain that can make the difference. Sameet Kumar, PH.D.

A helpful way to begin is by taking a first step towards well-being and self-care. Massage helps you by shifting you out of a stress response and into a relaxation response. After a loss, grieving individuals often find it very difficult to relax on their own. Here is where assisted relaxation through massage therapy can be of great benefit. by reducing the physical stress of grief you can become more present and begin to step into life with more acceptance, meaning and ease.

Alexis founded The Center for Massage & Holistic Therapy in San Diego, CA. in 1992. In 2018 she sold it so that she could dedicate her time towards deepening her studies in wellbeing, secular buddhism, meditation, yoga, life coaching, and grief recovery. She is passionate about bringing well-being to people through therapeutic massage, the time honored skills and teachings of mindfulness, and her lived experience, to help people begin their healing journey after loss.

for more about Alexis:alexiskwilliams.com


All services are a holistic, bringing an integrative approach to your well-being and healing process.

They are in support of you finding wellness and self-care while going through your sense of loss , caring for a loved one, or feeling the stress of navigating a difficult time.

At this time all massage appointments will be scheduled with the founder, Alexis K. Williams Certified Massage Therapist & Holistc Health Practitioner since 1992

Humans have needs… We need oxygen, water, and we need human touch.

Specialized Grief Massage

60 minute mobile massage $135.00

90 minute mobile massage $185.00

Whether you are experiencing the loss of a loved one, a breakup, loss of a job, a diagnosis, or any of the other many often stressful losses experienced in life, you may feel the weight of grief in the body as physical stress. This massage is intended to reduce the stress and bring back a sense of wholeness and well being so that you may experience more presence and connection.

This treatment is both soothing and therapeutic designed to:

- relieve muscle tension

- reduce anxiety

- improve sleep

- reduce exhaustion that accompanies the stress resulting from loss.

- increase overall well-being and connection

All services are mobile in the convenience of your home.

While massage and coaching are therapeutic, they are not intended to take the place of therapy or counseling, but to provide a proven, valuable, and much needed addition.

We kindly inform you that no gratuity is expected or required for our grief massage. Our primary goal is to support your wellbeing, and your satisfaction is our utmost priority.

Please text or call 760 492-7770 to schedule your appointment

more about Alexis- alexiskwilliams.com

60 minute mobile massage $125.00

90 minute mobile massage $175.00

This is a customized massage to meet your personal needs, utilizing a combination of swedish, deep tissue, and energy work as needed to help you release tension and attain a sense of well-being.

Please text or call Alexis at 760 492-7770

Therapeutic Massage

Alexis is empathetic, intuitive, with a very loving energy. She explained meditation better than anyone, which has helped me with my anxiety, articulate my needs better, and love myself more.”

Wellness Coaching and Buddhist Psychology 1:1

Alexis will teach you practical, holistic tools and perspectives of Buddhist Psychology that can positively impact your mental and emotional well-being. Mindfulness, self-compassion, and meditation have shown in studies to have improved the quality of life after loss. You will learn practical tools and skills to integrate time honored teachings, concepts, and practices that aim to promote mental well-being and personal growth for more inner peace, joy, and resilience.

All sessions are customized and designed for your specific needs. This coaching is experiential and transformationl to help you:

-Create a clear vision for what you want in your life

-Create actionable goals getting you from where you are to where you want to be

-Discover sub-conscious behaviors and build self-awareness

- Emotional awareness- learn to recognize and understand your patterns and how to work with them.

- Discover time-honored principles, and how to apply them

Having a personal mindful meditation teacher and mentor to guide you through these time honored traditions can make all the difference to having a successful meditation practice and beginning to live a more fulfilling and meaningful mindful lifestyle with more inner peace and joy.

It is said in Buddhist psychology there are many ways to gain understanding, inner peace, and joy. It has been my experience that profound loss is one of these ways, as loss and grief are simply the mirror of love. When we find our way back to self-compassion and love, we find ourselves more resilient, embodied and in our life’s true expression. Alexis is committed to personally supporting you to find your unique way, so that you can experience the magic of a more mindful life.

Learn more at: alexiskwilliams.com

contact Alexis to answer any questions 760 492-7770

We are taught how to acquire things, not what to do when we lose them.”

The Grief Recovery Method is an educational, evidence based, heart-centered, and action oriented program that has been shown to positively impact the healing and recovery of those impacted by loss. It offers solace to grievers by providing a structured and compassionate approach to processing and healing from loss. This method acknowledges that grief is a natural response to loss and emphasizes the importance of fully experiencing and expressing one’s emotions. It is designed to help you navigate the pain, isolation and loneliness caused by loss of any kind. And provides you with the tools to move from your head to your heart, to heal what is emotionally incomplete and move forward in a meaningful way.

Please text or call Alexis for more information



Wellness Coaching and

The Grief Recovery Method

Massage Gift Certificates

  • soothing therapeutic massage

    60 or 90 minutes

  • 60 and 90 minute therapeutic massage

  • mindful meditation mentoring sesseions 60 minutes

“Working with Alexis has been transformative. I am living a more fulfilled and happy life, and realized my dream of starting a company that embodies my values and passions.”

“Alexis is empathetic, intuitive, with a very loving energy. She explained meditation better than anyone, which has helped me with my anxiety, articulate my needs better, and love myself more.”

“For the first time, I feel truly passionate and am excited to live into the opportunities in front of me.”

“My life had become a revolving wheel of wishing I had been more careful of what I had wished for. I had obtained things that I thought I wanted but that had ultimately left me uninspired, drained, lost, and struggling. I was at a point of change in my career and was lost as to what my next steps would be. Through working with Alexis, I discovered my underlying values and motivators in life and was able to identify a career that enables me to utilize my natural talents while fully living into my values. For the first time, I feel truly passionate about what I do and I am excited to live into the opportunities in front of me.”